While using the most effective natural herbs in a natural remedy is essential, it is only part of the equation. A chef might be using the tastiest and highest quality foods to prepare you a meal. But if his kitchen and cooking techniques are unsanitary and unsafe, you would avoid his restaurant at all costs. In the same way, a natural remedy is only as safe and effective as its production facility and assembly process.
To ensure the highest standards of safety and quality, A2X is exclusively formulated and bottled in one location in Long Island, New York. Adhering to strict United States guidelines for dietary supplement safety, the facility is routinely inspected by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The laboratory is GMP certified by the NSF, which indicates that the facility complies with a standardized set of good manufacturing practices (GMPs) as provided by the Natural Products Association. While the United States requirements on laboratory safety are high, Australia’s are even higher. We are proud to produce A2X exclusively in a facility that has been inspected and approved by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
At every point in the production process, A2X is rigorously monitored for quality and purity: